Your PS4 is fine on its own, but these accessories can help complete the experience!
My Momma told me that the key to any good outfit is the right accessories.
That's not true. She never said that, but it sounds like the sort of thing that some mom somewhere said. The same, however, is certainly true for gaming setups. The right gaming accessories can spell the difference between just playing video games and having a gaming experience.
There are so many options when it comes to accessories for the PlayStation 4. We've curated the best of the best to help take your PS4 experience to the next level!
So the kids or the roommates are sound asleep and you're ready to blast some baddies with a rocket launcher. The only problem is that you want to blast the volume while you do it. There is a solution to your woes. Pick up an Arctis 7 Steel Series headset and you will never have to worry about waking people up again. It's has everything you might want from a gaming headset for your PS4: great sound, good comfort level, lag-free wireless audio, and a killer battery life. Happy silent gaming!
I know what you're thinking and yes there is a way to charge your PS4 controllers and display them stylishly. When you're kicked back on the couch with your feet up you can look over and rest easy knowing that your controllers are charging and lookin' sweet when you see the soft blue glow of this dual controller charging stand.
File this under pricey but game-changing. Are you ready to take PlayStation gaming to the next level? If the answer is yes then you might as well consider the accessory to beat all accessories. The PlayStation VR will afford you the opportunity to at last take the helm of a Starfleet ship, climb the mountains of Skyrim, or get the pants scared off of you in Resident Evil. The world of VR is yours for the taking.
Fighting Stick
Maybe VR isn't right for you. Maybe you like your gaming experience to feel more like an evening playing Streetfighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting at the local pizza parlor. The problem is that you will never come close to that experience with the standard PlayStation 4 controller. What you need is a real deal fighting stick. Pick up this Qanba Obsidian fighting stick and you will be ready to take on all comers. And with the satisfying click of Sanwa buttons you will be in fighting game heaven.
Steering Wheel
All right, all right, so maybe fighting games are not your raison d'etre. You're more of a pedal to the metal, rubber meets the road sort of gamer. You love racing games and much like your fighting game loving cousins, it's all about the controller. If you're going to go all in with racing games you might as well go all in with your controller and pick up a Driving Force G29 racing wheel. At last, you will be able to brake and hit the gas with your feet the way good ol' Hank Ford intended.
The great part about accessories is that it allows you to make the game experience unique to you. If you're looking for something more then you don't have to live with what comes out of the box. Happy gaming and happy accessorizing!
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