You Can See More: Here's how to unlock all the safes in The Last of Us Part 2

The following article Here's how to unlock all the safes in The Last of Us Part 2 is courtesy of Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers

There are just over a dozen safes in the game, and they contain items from training manuals and ammo to weapons.

Spoiler warning: This guide contains spoilers regarding playable characters within the game.

The Last of Us Part II is full of various secrets and collectibles, but a constant thorn in your side may be the safes you come across. You'll have to search the environment for the codes to unlock them, but you'll be rewarded with some pretty valuable items inside. You can also do it the easy way and use the codes on this list.

The safes will be listed in order as you encounter them throughout the story. Other than the first one, all of them can be found in Seattle.

Ellie Day 1

Safe #1 — Greenplace Market in Jackson, Wyoming (07-20-13)

At the beginning of the game, you'll eventually find yourself in a supermarket near Jackson while you're out on patrol with Dina. Make your way to the roof and you'll encounter a floor filled with spores. The combination to the safe in one of the rooms is the date that a dog got employee of the month. You can find it on a bulletin board right outside the office.

Safe #2 — Westlake Bank basement (60-23-06)

When you enter Seattle you'll notice a large building in rubble to the Northwest. Crawl through and eventually you'll make your way to the basement of a bank filled with infected. The code to the vault is located in the safe deposit lockers on the floor.

Safe #3 — Gate West 2 (0451)

This safe can be found just past Gate West 2. I think the code should pretty much speak for itself given the number's history.

Safe #4 — Courthouse office lockup (86-07-22)

You have to go to the courthouse as part of the story, so the location is unmissable. Before jumping down the elevator shaft, you'll find the courthouse office lockup safe in one of the back rooms.

Safe #5 — Wellwise Store & Donations (55-01-33)

You'll come across this safe in the Wellwise Store & Donations building as you're making your way to the TV station. At first you'll think the code is the number listed on a missing cat flyer on the bulletin board, but it's actually written on the bathroom wall in the adjacent room.

Ellie Day 2

Safe #6 — Route 5 apartment (10-08-83)

After leaving the theater in Seattle for the first time you'll head through Route 5. There is an apartment building for lease and the second floor bedroom on the left has a safe, The combo is the tenants' wedding date, which is 30 years before the date marked on the calendar hanging on the wall.

Safe #7 — Auto shop (30-82-65)

In the neighborhood with Goldstar Liquor, you'll find an auto shop behind the tattoo parlor. Move the garbage to open the door and kill the infected inside. The code to the safe can be found in the Pet Boutique across the street with the Shambler.

Safe #8 — Weston's Pharmacy (38-55-23)

Shortly after you first encounter the Scars on the way to the hospital, you'll need to swim to a set of stairs and find Weston's Pharmacy at the top. Crawl through the hole in the wall to access the safe.

Ellie Day 3

Safe # 9 — Building during boat section (70-12-64)

There comes a part in the game where you need to traverse the flooded streets by boat. Do so until you reach a nondescript building where you can't progress unless you get out of the boat to open up the gate. The safe can be found on the first floor.

Abby Day 1

Safe # 10 — MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center (17-38-07)

This is during the first day you play as Abby in Seattle. After being attacked by Scars you'll come across the MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center. The combination can be found on a lottery ticket in the adjacent trailer on a bulletin board.

Safe #11 — Jasmine Bakery (68-96-89)

After Manny helps you sneak away from Isaac and into enemy territory you'll discover part of the Chinatown section of Seattle. In the back of the Jasmine Bakery is a safe. The combination is on a piece of paper on the second floor of the building across from it.

Safe #12 — Infested Washington Transit Authority ship (90-77-01)

As Abby travels to the aquarium to find Owen after meeting Yara and Lev, there comes a point where she'll need to sneak through a passenger boat full of infected. The safe can be found in the control room on the top floor, and the combination can be found on a note at the end of the hall where you first encounter infected.

Abby Day 2

Safe #13 — Apartment building (30-23-04)

With Lev as your companion, you'll jump off of a bridge into an apartment building during this section as you attempt to get to what they refer to as the "tall building." The safe can be found inside the bedroom, and the code is the apartment number you are in and the neighbor's apartment number.

Safe #14 — The BlacRay Hotel gym lobby (12-18-79)

On your way to the hospital with Lev you'll carefully navigate some large makeshift bridges before falling into a hotel. The safe is in the room behind the reception desk at the gym, and the combination is the Wi-Fi password found on the wall.

That's all of 'em

Once you've unlocked the 14th and final safe, a trophy should pop up to reward you for your efforts.

If you're interested in what we thought of The Last of Us Part II, you can read our review where we call it an outstanding achievement in storytelling, but one that's sure to be divisive among fans.

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