You Can See More: Play the role of a violent bank robber in Armed Heist!

The following article Play the role of a violent bank robber in Armed Heist! is courtesy of Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers

A mobile version of PayDay 2, the semi-popular bank heist franchise, was supposed to have arrived on Android in 2018 — that never happened. The closest I could find to the game being released was reports of a closed beta that took place over a couple of weeks in September or October of last year for a game called PayDay Crime War. Unfortunately, there are still no signs of the game on the Google Play Store that I can see. Instead, a very similar game has popped up in my feed, with a full title that reads "Armed Heist: Ultimate Third Person Shooting Game". That's a pretty bold claim to make, so I checked it out for this week's gaming post.

The first thing that immediately stands out in this game is the graphics. This game looks pretty great when you're running through banks firing back at the police trying to thwart your heist. In the early portion of the game, things are dead easy as a means of easing you into the controls and gameplay. This is to be expected.

One thing I did not expect is how much of a bullet sponge every character is. The game will suggest using cover to avoid damage, and that strategy works, but I've often been quite effective with a reckless run-and-gun strategy that exposes some of the stupid enemy AI. When you do walk right up to an enemy and shoot them point blank in the face, it often won't register as a headshot until you've shot them 10 or more times without so much as a reaction. It really ruins the experience for me as the bullet sponge nature of the enemies only gets worse as you progress, which can be countered by upgrading your weapons.

That leads in nicely to the way that Armed Heist rewards the player for completing heists. One of the ways the game incentivizes you to keep going is through all the weapon and cosmetic upgrades that are available to be bought using in-game currency or unlocked in reward crates after completing missions. I love the variety of equipment available but hate the tired implementation of loot crates in a game that's about robbing banks. Sure, you spend some of your loot on upgrading your weapons' base stats, which makes sense, but only if you don't spend too much time thinking about it.

For instance, the game will have you spend $5000 of the money you just stole to upgrade a gun to the next level… wait, what? These bank robbers are getting ripped off by whoever their gun supplier is! I'm all for reinvesting gains back into the enterprise but it just doesn't make much sense here.

Instead, the in-game currency with actual value are diamonds which can be spent to unlock crates faster or to buy rare crates. Diamonds are also available to buy with in-app purchases. Why there needs to be diamonds or this convoluted upgrade system is obvious — to generate money for this free-to-play game. Overall, I think Armed Heist has potential to be a pretty fun game, but for as good as the graphics look, the gameplay feels far too rushed and basic to hold the title of the "ultimate third person shooting game".

Download: Armed Heist (Free w/IAPs)

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