Most early adopters are still holding on.
The Galaxy Fold, one of 2019's most ambitious smartphones, hit a bump in the road last week. After being used for a couple of days by journalists, its inner display started breaking either due to a protective plastic layer being removed or for other unknown reasons.
It's obviously a bit disconcerting that a $1,980 phone can break so easily, but looking through the AC forums, people that pre-ordered the Fold aren't too phased by what's going on.
Xxtoxicskittlexx04-19-2019 09:31 AM“My preorder still holds. Not cancelling.
jcthorne#AC04-19-2019 12:13 PM“not cancelling yet. Will have insurance on it though...In case Samsung does not step up.
brau030304-19-2019 03:23 PM“Not Canceling, I have had plenty of devices with plastic screens and had no issues. That said, I will likely invest in some form of protection policy. I will also be looking for the best ways I can protect the fold from FOD damage.. cheers, BR
DaleReeck#AC04-19-2019 01:22 PM“I cancelled. The other stuff didn't bother me, but I didn't like the reports of dimpling on the screen. Those will build up over time and I have to think it would eventually harm the touchscreen capability.
What about you? Did you cancel your Galaxy Fold pre-order?
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