5 of the Coolest Insurance Apps

App quality is not typically one of the features people look at first when comparing different insurance companies, but it’s actually not a bad idea to pay attention to what your provider has to offer in this regard if you’re a frequent smartphone user. Some of the solutions on the modern market can be quite attractive in terms of functionality and streamlining your daily insurance-related tasks, and if you’re already on the fence between several different companies on the market, this could end up being your deciding factor. Here are 5 useful insurance apps


A well-known brand name in the world of insurance, and also a company with a solid app offer for those who want to take full advantage of their smartphones. GEICO’s app gives you direct access to various functionalities related to your insurance policy, including the purchase of a brand new one. You can also review quotes directly on your smartphone, a nice convenience feature for those who frequently have to deal with this.

  • Liberty Mutual

A great app if you need to maintain an active inventory of your home for insurance purposes. You can store everything in a categorized manner that makes it easy to review different entries and make adjustments as necessary, and you can manually enter various details about the different belongings you’re cataloguing. This goes as deep as allowing you to track when exactly everything was purchased.

  • Progressive

One of the most commonly mentioned names in the world of insurance apps, Progressive have a fantastic offer for users who want to see a quick overview of their insurance accounts’ history, and track the payments going in and out in an easy manner. You can also start a new quote or adjust your current policy without having to jump through complicated hoops, making this one of the best apps on the market for users who want active access to their accounts.

  • MoveTools

Moving is one of the most stressful ordeals in an average person’s life, and having to worry about all your belongings and their whereabouts in the process can add to the stress quite quickly. With an app like MoveTools, you can easily catalog everything under your roof – and even organize items by room and other factors – and if anything gets lost, you’ll be able to start the recovery process much more quickly. You’ll also have the benefit of having your items logged into an official app as opposed to your own documentation.

  • Esurance

Last but not least, we have Esurance, an app with a lot of attention to detail and a great design that allows you to quickly get to every point in its menus. It comes with several nifty features like real-time tracking of assistance in case of an accident, and is very light on its use of system resources.

Having an insurance policy and not taking advantage of the app provided by the company is a huge mistake that can cost you a lot if you miss out on some attractive offers, or if you need to quickly get assistance for an issue but can’t figure out how through the company’s website.

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