You Can See More: Up to 87 million Facebook users' data was shared with Cambridge Analytica

The following article Up to 87 million Facebook users' data was shared with Cambridge Analytica is courtesy of Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers

The social network also outlined 9 ways it'll keep data more secure in the future.

It's no secret that Facebook really let "you know what" hit the fan over the last couple weeks. The company's been under fire for sharing millions of its users' data with research firm Cambridge Analytica, and according to a post on the Facebook Newsroom, the number of people that were affected is bigger than originally reported.

Facebook had originally estimated that around 50 million people had their data shared with Cambridge Analytica, but on Wednesday, April 4, the company said:

In total, we believe the Facebook information of up to 87 million people — mostly in the US — may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica.

87,000,000 💀

I'm sure plenty of you have already had your tipping point with Facebook by now, but in case you're still hoping the company will be able to pick itself up out of this mess, it also announced nine tweaks it'll be rolling out to ensure something like this can't happen again. These include:

  1. Apps using the Events API won't be able to access guest lists or posts shared on the event wall. In the future, only apps that agree to Facebook's new "strict requirements" will be able to use it at all.
  2. Third-party apps that use the Groups API must first get approval from Facebook and the group admin. Approved apps won't be able to access names or profile photos that are attached to posts/comments.
  3. Facebook must approve any app that requests access to its Pages API
  4. "Strict requirements" are in place for apps that use Facebook Login and they won't be able to gather info on political/religious views, relationship status, education, etc.
  5. Effective immediately, the Instagram Platform API is being depreciated.
  6. You can no longer look someone up on Facebook by searching for their email or phone number.
  7. Facebook says it doesn't collect the content of text messages on Android and that all logs that are one year or older will be deleted.
  8. The Partner Categories feature is being shut-down.
  9. Starting April 9, Facebook will show a link at the top of your Newsfeed that lists all the apps you use and what information is shared with them.

Based on this new data and what Facebook is doing to crack-down on user privacy, will you continue to use the social network going forward?

Facebook never earned your trust and now we're all paying the price

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