Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords

“The Fight Of Titans”  – this is how AdEspreso referred to the marketing withstanding between Google and Facebook.

Considering the curious tendency of international companies giving room once again to the local businesses, the small business owners are now considering their options. Their marketing budget is often tiny, so the big question is – which platform sells better at a cheaper price. Google manifests that it gives its customers a return of at least $2 for every dollar spent.  

FB vs. Google

Facebook offers their ads at the cheapest rates in the history of advertising.

Considering the difference in presentational focus, it’s only logical to assume that Facebook and Google aim for a different kind of outcome. Clearly, Facebook chases exposure for its customers. Targeting is the ultimate strength of Facebook; and marketers have learned it the hard way that finding the right audience for your product often means that your work is half done. Google, on the other hand, is after searchers’ intention. If you ever need information on what queries represent certain intention, it’s Google and no one else. Finding the people willing to purchase your product is another half marketers’ job. Too bad these two are divided between two different platforms, right?

Now going back to the subject of real people, businessmen and entrepreneurs, choosing between FB and Google. To get a perspective from an insider, I asked Emily Johnson, the owner of Omnipapers platform, for her insight –

‘I promote info-products of a kind. The classical case is Customwritings review. What I needed to target was the right audience, intention and brand keywords. Facebook didn’t convert well for me. I personally think, the right intention was missing. I stand by Google AdWords for now.’

If the above statement seems totally reasonable to you, and you’re now ready to disregard the affordable Facebook altogether in favor of Google AdWords, I suggest that we change the subject for a few short moments.

The 21st century is the age of branding.

The goods and services market is saturated beyond any measure. Any random individual at any point of time can find dozens of people and facilities serving their every need, fighting for their attention. Creating a strong brand is a reasonably effective way to stand out and let the world know what you can offer. Considering how wildly popular branding had become, I believe soon this approach will stop working (can “branding” market get oversaturated? We’ll see). But for now, it can’t be disregarded.

Google AdWords finds the visitors with the right mindset for those, who have already established their brand.

Facebook allows the emerging and established brands to be seen by the right audience. In other words, the right people get to know you even before they need anything from you (even if they never do). But when they do need something – who do you think they’re most likely to turn to – someone they know, or some stranger knocking at their door (metaphorically)? Here you go.

Bottom line

Google converts better, that’s a fact, but it does nothing for exposure. Facebook is a must-have for exposure, it’s as cheap as nothing else on the web, but it’s not exactly made for direct sales (nevertheless, it does sell).

I’d say, a combination of the two is the best long-term strategy (duh, you could’ve seen this advice coming). So watch out for your immediate needs and don’t underestimate the human factor. These days, people’s dedication is worth more than the money they’re willing to give you. Or, should I say, the former quickly converts into the latter.

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