You Can See More: Action Launcher turns 5 and gives us all a present

The following article Action Launcher turns 5 and gives us all a present is courtesy of Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers

Happy Birthday to us all!

Action Launcher is one of the best launchers on Android today, and the Swiss Army home screen launcher now has something big to celebrate: its fifth anniversary. On December 8th, 2012, Action Launcher was published, and five years later, it's come a long way and picked up quite a few fans along the journey.

Five years is a big milestone for an Android app, and Chris Lacy has a hell of a birthday present for everyone: the first sale on Action Launcher's pro upgrade in three years.

You may remember that back in 2014, Action Launcher 3 was launched as a complete rewrite from Action Launcher 2, and it switched from a separate Action Launcher pro app to unlock its best features to an in-app purchase called Action Launcher Plus. Since that change in 2014, Action Launcher Plus has never gone on sale, though Lacy has also debuted the Action Launcher Supporter program that you should absolutely take a look at.

That streak ends today.

Action Launcher Plus is 30% off for the next 3 days, and then it goes back to regular price for what we assume will be a really, really long time. Now, Action Launcher Plus is worth every penny at full price, but if you've had any doubts about its worth, or you've been saving up your Google Opinion Rewards money for a good app, now is the perfect time to take the plunge.

For those of us who already own Action Launcher Plus, there's an app update for us taking Action Launcher to v32. There's no big shiny new features here, but there's something better: bug fixes and performance improvements, especially for Android 8.1 users. Adaptivepack is also getting 200 more icons, increasing the pack to 950 icons.

The ultimate guide to Action Launcher

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